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New potions for you!
I have implemented new potions for you, they are 8 different kinds!
How do these potions help you and work? Let me explain:

First kind: Ratafia Verde

Grows Sura's resistance.
To make this kind of potion you must have: 5 Bottles , 5 Acqua Bo and 2 Dattero .

Second kind: Elisir Verde

Increases the damage against Sura.
To make it you need: 5 Acqua Zin and 5 Bottles .

Third kind: Ratafia Rosa

Raises up resistance against Shamans.
To create this kind of potion you must have: 5 Bottles ,5 Acqua Sambo 2 Cardo and 2 Dattero .

Fourth potion: Elisir Rosa

It grows atack force against Shamans.
You need: 5 Acqua SamYoung and 5 Bottles to make it.

Fifth kind is: Ratafia Blu

It raises up the defence against Ninja
You can easily make it with: 5 Bottles ,5 Acqua Young and 2 Cardo .

Sixth potion: Elisir Blu

It increseas your atack against Ninja
To have it in your inventary you must have: 5 Acqua Sim and 5 bottles .

Seventh kind: Ratafia Gialla

It raises the possibility of defence against Warrior`s atack
The items that you must have for it are: 5 Bottles , 5 Acqua Samzi and 2 Dente di leone .

The last kind, but not the least is: Elisir Giallo

It grows your force atack against Warriors.
You need: 5 Acqua Dok and 5 Bottles to make it.

The potions last 5 minutes and the bonus range is between 3 and 15. What do I mean? I mean that one potion that you make can give you 3% possibility of defence against sura for example and other one can give you 8 or 15.

The range of bonuses is: 3,5,8,10 or 15 for each potion

You have 80% possibility to create these potions.
How can you do them?
Using: Erborista. You must click on Eborista and then on Pozioni. You will see there some cubes. Put the necessary items (that i wrote above) inside the cube and you will make the potions!

The Acqua that you need for them are exactly like on offcial. I will re-write the way that you can do them. So:

For Acqua Bo:

You need: 100 Succo di Fiori di Caco and Fungo Tue
And Suco di Fiori di Caco can be made from Fiori di Caco

For Acqua Sambo:

You must have: Acqua Dok and Rosa Alpina

Acqua Dok

Rosa Alpina:

Acqua Dok can be made from: Succo di Campanula and Lillà

You can make Succo di Campanula with: Campanula at Erborista.

For Acqua Young:

You must have: 100 Succo di Radice di Gango and Fungo Tue

You can create Succo di Radice di Gango easily if you have Radice di Gango

For Acqua SamZi:

You must have Acqua Sim and Rosa Alpina.

Acqua Sim:

Rosa Alpina:

For making Acqua Sim you need Succo di Fiori di Pesco and Lillà

And for Succo fi Fiori di Pesco you need Fiori di Pesco .

For Acqua Zin:

You must have: Acqua Sim and Rosa Alpina
I have already wrote above how can you make Acqua Sim.

Acqua SamYoung :

This kind of Acqua can be made from: 100 Acqua Bo and Albero di More
I have already wrote above how can you make Acqua Bo.

So don`t hesitate to become better than you are, go to Erborista and use that new items!

grandi Smile io stavo testando proprio ieri come si facevano xD
magari pure in ita u_u io con il inglese
Akira, è presente anche la guida in italiano, controlla^^
ma dv ??? io nn la trovo ...
perfavore mi dite dove si trovano acqua bo e le altre????? GRZ
Nel link sopra..quello postato da Vega Smile